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 Learn Mindfulness 


Intro to


One-Day Workshop

The One-Day Workshop is held in a group format


Workshop meets from 9:30am - 4:30pm.


Program costs include:

Catered Lunch

Class handouts


Continuing Education (CE):  6 hours of CE are available for Psychologists, Nurses and Masters level mental health professionals for an additional $25 (+ $1 for Credit Card payment.) 


Cancellation policy:  No refunds after registration due date. Registration may be applied to a future workshop, minus the cost of lunch. 


**This is not a 'drop-in' program, pre-registration is required.





Mindfulness Programs/Mentoring

One-to-one individually tailored mindfulness programs 


Sessions last 50 - 90 minutes depending upon program. 



* Guided practice, didactic elements and feedback on your practice

* Limited between-session email support

* Supporting materials

* package rates


Free 30 minute consultation


You will be asked to commit to a minimum of between 3 - 8 sessions in order to learn and integrate mindfulness practices into your life.  Rates depend on length of program commitment and billed as a package.


* One on one MBSR

* Personalized programs 

* Mind/Body awareness & integration

* Trauma informed mindfulness and compassion 


Individual meetings cancelled or rescheduled with less than 48 hrs notice will be charged the full rate.


Ongoing coaching/mentoring

Meetings are 50 minutes in length. Must have taken a previous course or have a background of mindfulness practice.  Sliding scale rates. 


Mindfulness Teacher Mentoring

Contact for requirements


$100- $150

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Weekend Retreat


This Residential Retreat is co-taught by Steve Flowers, MS, MFT & Genevieve


Friday, Dec 13th - Sunday Dec 15th at the Franciscan Renewal Center. 


Program costs include:

2 Nights at the Franciscan Renewal Center in Scottsdale

All catered meals (vegetarian)


Continuing Education (CE):  24 hours of CE are available for Psychologists, Nurses and Masters level mental health professionals for an additional $50 (+ $2 for Credit Card payment.) 


Cancellation policy:  No refunds after registration due date (12/1). $100 cancellation fee after 10/31 and before 12/1. 


**Pre-registration is required. This is a residential retreat - no commuter option available.



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& Workshops for your organization or group

Arrange workshops or presentations for your organization or for private groups


Anything from a 1.5 hour presentation, one-day or half-day retreats, 6 week or 8 week courses. Programs can be tailored to specific audience (health care providers/care-takers/ busy professionals/ leadership/ trauma-focused, or other)


Contact Genevieve for more information





Original 8-week Program ONLINE!

The MBSR 8-Week Intensive is held in a group format, with between 7- 15 participants 


Course format:  

* Free introductory session (mandatory)

* 8 -  2.5 hour classes

* A 7.5 hour daylong session

(Totaling 30 hours)


Limited partial scholarships may be available for those who would be otherwise unable to pay at the regular rate. 


Program costs include: book (Full Catastrophe Living, by Jon Kabat-Zinn), practice audio recordings, course workbook.


Continuing Education (CE):  28 hours of CE are available for Psychologists, Nurses and masters level mental health professionals for an additional $50

(+ $2 for Credit Card payments.)

The MBSR program qualifies for many other health professions' continuing education requirements. Please check with your credit granting agency. 


Cancellation policy: Full refund available until the Orientation date; full refund minus $75 administrative fee if cancelled after Orientation and by the end of class #1. No refunds given after this time. In special circumstances if unable to complete the full program, the opportunity to retake at another time within a year of the original program may be offered. 


 **This is not a 'drop-in' program, all participants make a commitment to participate fully. 



Intro to

Mindfulness 6-week Class Series

The Introduction to Mindfulness course is held in a group format 


Course meets one hour & 45 minutes each week over six weeks (Totaling 10.5 hours)


Program costs include:

Access to audio recordings

Class handouts


Continuing Education (CE):  9 hours of CE are available for Psychologists, Nurses and Masters level mental health professionals for an additional $50 (+ $2 for Credit Card payment.) 


Cancellation policy:  No refunds after the 1st class. In special circumstances if unable to complete the full program, the opportunity to retake at another time within a year of the original program may be offered. 


**This is not a 'drop-in' program, participants should plan to attend all classes to fully benefit. 


Solution Mindfulness Scottsdale Phoenix Arizona Meditation Classes Workshops Retreats MBSR

© Genevieve Tregor  Solution Mindfulness   Scottsdale, Arizona  2014-2025  (site is optimized for desktop viewing)

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