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One Day Mindfulness Workshop

 Introduction to Mindfulness: A Day of Retreat
Date TBA
9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Intructor: Genevieve Tregor, MS

“I would love to live like a river flows,

                             carried by the surprise of its own unfolding"      ~ John O'Donohue, Unfinished Poem

 6 CE Hours Available
for Psychologists &
Health Professionals
Click to Learn More About CE Hours for

Psychologists & Mental Health Professionals

Hosted By:

$89 early registration rate/$129 full rate includes catered lunch - Registration due by 

$26 to receive 6 CE hrs 







Unplug, de-stress and re-energize with an experiential day directly discovering the benefits of mindfulness practice. Learn to bring yourself into present-moment awareness and enjoy a deeper connection with the experience of your own body and mind resulting in more calm, ease and resilience - even in the face of stressful situations. 

The day will be held as a retreat & workshop hybrid; with periods of guided mindfulness practice interspersed with short informational presentations, dialogue and opportunities for Q and A. 


The workshop is ideal for those who are unable or not yet ready to take the full 8- week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program, or who are interested in an immersive introduction to the practice. As a participant, you'll have an opportunity to explore and engage with mindfulness practices in a structured and supported environment - just as they are taught in the full MBSR program - and will experience directly what mindfulness practice is, beyond mere techniques. You can expect to come away with an understanding of how cultivating a practice can break through difficult habitual patterns as well as interrupt the stress-reaction cycle to bring a sense of personal life control, enhanced sense of balance, well-being and resilience. You'll learn the theory behind the practice, how it works, and some of the evidence-based benefits of cultivating moment-to-moment awareness. 


Participants will be guided in a range of formal meditations and informal practices such as mindfulness of the breath, sensations, sounds and thoughts; the body scan mediation; as well as mindful movement. You'll learn tools for bringing the practice into daily life, and we'll investigate working with the challenges in practice, including difficult emotions and pain. 


Teachings are appropriate for healthcare professionals as well as the general public. Healthcare professionals will be able to incorporate the tools and practices offered in this program in ways beneficial to clients or patients.


Health professionals participating in this program will be able to: differentiate MBSR and mindfulness from relaxation and other distraction techniques that may seem similar but are fundamentally and theoretically different in working with challenges and enhancing quality of life; identify some of the common misconceptions about mindfulness practice; differentiate between mindfulness practice and therapy; recognize the ways that formal and informal practices can enhance  the therapeutic encounter; articulate the potential benefits of mindfulness to educate clients about how it can enhance quality of life and enhance therapeutic outcomes. 


"Lovely. Very warm and inviting; clear and easy to understand."

At the end of this Workshop Participants will: 


  • Enjoy a sense of balance and ease

  • Integrate experience with knowledge of the formal and informal practices of mindfulness & begin to develop the skills to cultivate mindful awareness

  • Obtain tools to bring mindfulness into day to day life

  • Gain insight into how the practice can impact their lives

  • Identify ways that mindfulness can break old patterns and habits, and the stress-reaction cycle.

  • Recognize some of the scientific research supporting the wide acceptance of mindfulness in the healthcare community

© Genevieve Tregor  Solution Mindfulness   Scottsdale, Arizona  2014-2025  (site is optimized for desktop viewing)

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